Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Nursing care in patients with Anemia aplastic

| Selasa, 29 Maret 2011 | 8 komentar

Anemia aplastic

Aplastic anemia is a disorder in bone disumsum stem cells that can cause death if the amount of blood cells produced are not adequate.

  • Certain antibiotics such as chloramphenicol
  • Viral infections such as hepatitis
  • Benzene
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Antineoplastic agents or cytotoxic
C. Pathophysiology
The existence of an anemia reflect the existence of a marrow failure or excessive loss of red blood cells or both. Marrow failure (eg reduced eritropoesis) can occur due to nutritional deficiencies, toxic exposure, invasion of tumor or other cause not yet known. Red blood cells can be lost through bleeding or hemolysis (destruction).

Red blood cell lysis (dissolution) occurs mainly in phagocytic cells or the reticuloendothelial system primarily in the liver and spleen. As a result of this process is bilirubin that form in the phagocyte will enter the bloodstream. Any increase in red blood cell destruction (hemolysis) immediately reflected by increased plasma bilirubin. (Normal concentration of 1 mg / dl or less; levels above 1.5 mg / dl result in jaundice in the sclera).
If experiencing the destruction of red blood cells in circulation, the hemoglobin will appear in the plasma (hemoglobinemia). If the plasma concentration exceeds the capacity of plasma haptoglobin (hemoglobin-binding proteins for free) to bind it all (eg if there are more than about 100 mg / dl), hemoglobin will be diffused in the kidney glomerulus and into the urine (hemoglobinuria).
Conclusions about whether an anemia in certain patients is caused by destruction of red blood cells or red blood cell production is not sufficient in a way that is:
  1. Calculate reticulocyte in blood circulation.
  2. The degree of proliferation of young red blood cells in bone marrow and how pematangannya.
  3. Presence or absence of hyperbilirubinemia and hemoglobinemia.
Aplastic anemia is caused by a decrease in precursor cells in bone marrow with fat that can occur in congenital or acquired and idiopathic (no cause is not clear). Various kinds of infections during pregnancy can be as originators, or can be caused by drugs, chemicals, or damage radiation. Substances that often cause bone marrow aplasia is benzene and benzene derivatives (eg, airplane glue); anti-tumor drugs such as nitrogen mustard,; antimetabolik, including metotrexate and 6-merkaptopurin; and berabagai other toxic substances such as arsenic.

Various materials which sometimes causes aplasia or hypoplasia include various antimicrobial, anti-convulsive, anti-thyroid drugs, oral hypoglycemic drugs, anti histamine, analgesic, sedativ, phenothiasine, insecticides, and heavy metals. In various circumstances, aplasia anemia occurs when the drugs or substances included in the amount of toxic chemicals. If exposure is stopped immediately (in this case at the first occurrence of retikulositopenia, anemia, granulositopenia, thrombocytopenia) can be expected soon and perfect healing. In a young man who experienced puberty during hepatitis have a high risk of experiencing severe aplasia anemia with mortality rates of 90% in the first year with a mean survival of six months; marrow transplantation is a treatment option.

  • Pale as a result of reduced blood volume and decreased hemoglobin.
  • Dyspnea, shortness of breath and tired quickly when berktivitas.
  • Loss of appetite, nausea and stomatitis.
  • Tachycardia and cardiac noise as a picture of the workload and bulk Increased heart.
  • Headache, dizziness and weakness as a result of reduced supply of oxygen carried by red blood cells into the central nervous system.
Laboratory (Hb, HCT, Platelets, Granulocytes)

There are two methods of treatment are now often implemented are:
  1. Transplantation of bone marrow Bone marrow transplantation was undertaken to provide a network inventory hematopoesti that still works. For transplantation is required ability to adapt behasil donor and recipient cells and to prevent complications during healing. With the use of the immunosuppressant cyclosporin, the incidence of rejection for grafts less than 10%.
  2. Immunosuppressive therapy with antitimosit globin (ATG). Immunosuppressive therapy with ATG given to stop the immunological function that extends the bone marrow aplasia allowing experienced healing. ATG was given every day through a central venous catheter for 7-10 days. Patients who respond usually recovers within a few weeks to 3 months, but if it responds slowly to 6 months after treatment. Patients who experience severe anemia and treated early during the history of the disease have the best chance of responding to the ATG. Supportive therapy plays an important role in the management of aplastic anemia. Patients supported with transfusions of red blood cells and platelets are sufficient to overcome the symptoms.
  • Imbalance nutrition less than the needs associated with nausea, vomiting, anorexia.
  • Activity intolerance related to reduced oxygen supply to the central nervous system.
  • PK: Thrombocytopenia
  • PK: Bleeding
  • Risk of infection associated with invasive measures: a reduction in immunological
  1. Arif Mansjoer, 2000, Capita Selekta Medicine, Publisher Media Aeusculapius FK-UI, Jakarta
  2. Doenges M.E. at al., 1992, Nursing Care Plans, F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia
  3. Renowned, HY, et al, 2002, Textbook Medical-Surgical Nursing Brunner & Suddarth, EGC, Jakarta
  4. Joane C. Mc. Closkey, Gloria M. Bulechek, 1996, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis
  5. Marion Johnson, et al, 2000, the Nursing Outcome Classifications (NOC), Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis
  6. Marjory Gordon, et al, 2001, Nursing Diagnoses: Definition & Classification 2001-2002, NANDA
  7. Soeparman. (1987). Medicine, Faculty of medicine Publishing Center, Jakarta.
Imbalance nutrition less than the needs associated with nausea, vomiting, anorexia.

Once the action has been nursing for 3x24 hours clients nutritional needs are met with the criteria results:
  • Adequate nutrient intake.
  • Nausea, vomiting, loss anoreksi
  • Free from signs of malnutrition.
  • There was no decline Weight Loss

  • Monitor nutritional intake and output
  • Monitor weight gain corporate clients Explain to klie about the importance of nutrition for the body and the diet prescribed and ask again what has been described
  • Help clients and families identify and select foods that contain calories and protein in accordance with a programmed diet.
  • Serve food in warm and attractive
  • Collaboration with a dietitian to determine the proper diet as well as physicians in the provision of vitamins.
Activity intolerance related to reduced oxygen supply to the central nervous system.

Once the action has been nursing for 3x24 hours clients can increase activity tolerance criteria:
  • Freedom from exhaustion after activity
  • A balance needs activity and rest
  • There is an increasing activity tolerance
  • Monitor vital signs
  • Review the causes of intolerance client activity
  • Train ROM when circumstances allow clients
  • Teach client techniques energy savings for activity
  • Increase client activity according to ability
PK: Thrombocytopenia

  • Nurses are expected to minimize complications from the presence of thrombocytopenia with the criteria:
  • Trombosit in normal circumstances (350-450 rb / MMK).
  • Observation of general condition Clients
  • Monitor laboratory results (number of platelets)
  • Observation of signs of bleeding
  • Collaborative provision platelet transfusion
PK: Bleeding

Nurses are expected to minimize complications from the bleeding with criteria:
  • Hb levels within limit Normal
  • There are no signs hypovolemic shock
  • Observation of general condition Clients
  • Monitor laboratory results (figure hemoglobin)
  • Observation of signs of bleeding
Resiko infeksi berhubungan dengan tindakan invasif; penurunan imunologis

Purpose:After nursing for a 3x24 hour action does not occur with infection criteria:
  • There are no signs of infection.
  • Vital signs within limit Normal
  • Number of leucocytes and differential within normal limits.
  • Monitor vital sign andsigns of infection
  • Monitor laboratory results (number of leucocytes and differential)
  • Perform aseptic techniques and Septic each perform action on the client.
  • Observations on the region where the stabbing infusion,catheter
  • Teach the client and families about how infection prevention and signs of infection
  • Collaborative provision antibiotic

8 komentar:

Anneke Sergio mengatakan...

I was a victim of weak erection and premature ejaculation,for the
past 4 years,and for this past 4 years my life was horrible,one day i saw a
post of a man being cured by a Doctor, called Dr Imoloa,so i contact him
and i get the cure from him,and my 4 years disaster and pains were like a
dreams so if you have this problem of weak erection and premature
ejaculation he also have cure for lupus disease, corneal ulcer, polio disease,
Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis, epilepsy,joint pain,
fetal alcohol spectrum, schizophrenia, lichen planus, cancer, diabetes, asthma syphilis, and many more... you can contact Dr Imoloa for help,Email / whatssapp +2347081986098.

Anonim mengatakan...

Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,psoriasis,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
Dementia.(measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria),Chronic Diarrhea,
Hpv,All Cancer Types,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on / even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.

AIB FUNDING. mengatakan...

My name is hoover, my 18 year old daughter, Tricia was diagnosed with herpes 3 years ago. Since then, we have moved from one hospital to another. We tried all kinds of pills, but every effort to get rid of the virus was futile. The bubbles continued to reappear after a few months. My daughter was using 200mg acyclovir pills. 2 tablets every 6 hours and 15g of fusitin cream. and H5 POT. Permanganate with water to be applied twice a day, but all still do not show results. So, I was on the internet a few months ago, to look for other ways to save my only son. Only then did I come across a comment about the herbal treatment of Dr Imoloa and decided to give it a try. I contacted him and he prepared some herbs and sent them, along with guidance on how to use them via the DHL courier service. my daughter used it as directed by dr imoloa and in less than 14 days, my daughter recovered her health. You should contact dr imoloa today directly at his email address for any type of health problem; lupus disease, mouth ulcer, mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis ABC, syphilis, diarrhea, HIV / AIDS, Huntington's disease, back acne, chronic kidney failure, addison's disease, chronic pain, Crohn's pain, cystic fibrosis, fibromyalgia, inflammatory Bowel disease, fungal nail disease, Lyme disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major depression, Malignant melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Rheumatoid arthritis Alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Tumor, Malignant, Bruxism, Bulimia, Cervical Disc Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Neoplasms , chronic respiratory disease, mental and behavioral disorder, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, Autoimmune inflammatory media arthritis ed. chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, impotence, alcohol spectrum feta, dysthymic disorder, eczema, tuberculosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease. and many more; contact him at also with whatssap- + 2347081986098.

Rose Jurgen mengatakan...

Here is  my testimony on how I was cured of HIV by Dr Akhigbe,with his natural herbal medicine.  on a regular basis in efforts to help others when I could. As you may know, each donation is tested.  Well, on July 6th I had a meeting with a Red Cross representative and was told that I had HIV. “What went through your mind when you heard that "Rose" Good question reader! To be honest, I thought my life was over, that I would ever find love, get married, have children or anything normal. Lucky for me I have an amazing support system.  My family supported me then I never thought that I was invincible to STD s or pregnancy or anything else parents warn their kids about. I just didn’t think about it. I was in a monogamous relationship and thought that I asked the right questions.  We even talked about marriage Scary.  During that time I was in college and donated blood on a re as well. who helped me in search of cure through the media.there we saw a good testimony of sister 'Kate' about the good work of Dr Akhigbe natural herbal medicine cure.then I copied his email address and contacted him. A good herbalist doctor with a good heart, he is kind, loving and caring. He replied back to my message and told me what to do. After a week the doctor sent me my herbal medicine and instructed me how to take it.Yes it worked very well, after drinking it I went to the hospital for another test and everything turned negative. What a wonderful testimony I can never forget in my life. Dr Akhigbe is a man who gave me a life to live happily forever so all I want you all to believe and know that cure of HIV is real and herbs is a powerful medicine and it works and heals.  Dr Akhigbe also used his herbal medicine to cure diseases like:   HERPES, DIABETES, SCABIES, HEPATITIS A/B, STROKE, CANCER, ALS, TUBERCULOSIS, ASTHMA, PENIS ENLARGEMENT, MALARIA, LUPUS, LIVER CIRRHOSIS, DEPRESSION, HIV/AIDS, EPILEPSY, BACTERIAL, DIARRHEA, HEART DISEASES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, PARKINSON'S, ALZHEIMER, COLD URTICARIA, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS,INSOMNIA,  BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS, SCHIZOPHRENIA, JOINT PAIN, STOMACH PAIN, CHROME DISEASES, CHLAMYDIA, INSOMNIA HEARTBURN, ,  THYROID, MAR BURG DISEASES, MENINGITIS, ARTHRITIS, BODY WEAK, SMALLPOX, DENGUE, FEVER, CURBS, CHANCRE, AND OTHERS VARIOUS DISEASES/ VIRUS.   You are there and you find yourself in any of these situations, kindly contact Dr Akhigbe now to help you get rid of it. Here is his email address:      or you can write to him on whats app with his phone number:   +234 901 075 4824.
  My appreciation is to share his testimony for the world to know the good work Dr Akhigbe has done for me and he will do the same for you.

Anonim mengatakan...

Most prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas, cancers that arise in glandular cells of the prostate’s epithelial tissue. Prostate cancers usually progress slowly and produce no symptoms in the initial stages. Eventually, the tumor may enlarge like mine too, the prostate gland, pressing on the urethra and causing painful or frequent urination and blood in the urine. So I was so uncomfortable with this prostate cancer diseases then I decided to do online search on how to cure cancer because I well have read a lot about herbal medicine, I came across a lot of testimony how Dr Itua cure HIV/herpes then Cancer was listed below the comment.with courage I contacted Dr Itua and he sent me his herbal medicine through Courier service then I was asked to pick it up at my post office which i quickly did. I contacted Dr Itua that I have received my herbal medicine so he instructed me on how to drink it for three weeks and that is how Dr Itua Herbal Medicine cures my prostate Cancer, The treatment takes three weeks and I was cured completely. Dr Itua is a god sent and I thank him every day of my life. Contact him now On:   Whatsapp:+2348149277967.
He listed that he can as well cure the following diseases below.... Cerebral Amides. Lung Cancer,Brain cancer,Esophageal cancer,Gallbladder cancer,Gestational trophoblastic disease,Head and neck cancer,Hodgkin lymphoma Intestinal cancer,Kidney cancer,Leukemia,Liver cancer,Melanoma,Mesothelioma,Multiple myeloma,Neuroendocrine tumors,Hodgkin lymphoma,Oral cancer,Ovarian cancer,Sinus cancer,Soft tissue sarcoma,Spinal cancer,Stomach cancer,Meniere's disease , Testicular cancer,Throat cancer,Thyroid Cancer,Uterine cancer,Vaginal cancer,Vulvar cancer. Alzheimer's disease,Autism,measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria Adrenocortical carcinoma. Alma, Uterine Cancer, Breast Cancer, Allergic diseases. Kidney cancer, Love Spell, Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Generalized dermatitis,Alzheimer's disease,Brain Tumor,Lupus,Endometrial Cancer, cerebrovascular diseases  
Dementia.Colo rectal cancer, Lottery Spell, Bladder Cancer, Skin Cancer,Ovarian Cancer,Pancreatic Cancer, HIV /Aids,Brain Tumor, Herpes, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Inflammatory bowel disease, Copd, Diabetes, Hepatitis  

Mary anne mengatakan...

Herbal medicine is the best Greetings I am here to testify how great man called Dr OMO helped me out with herbs and roots which he prepared for me in use of curing my fibroids and Getting pregnant after 8 years of try to conceive with fibroids I takes his product (cure for my fibroid made with herbal medicine Root) for (14) days before I am to known I was totally pregnant after 2months of using dr omo herbs he also have Herbal medical for all types of diseases, and i promise him that i will tell the world about his Great job he ask me to drink from the herbal medicine before meeting my husband I did and after 2months I was pregnant thank you for your great job he can also help you if you have a low sperm count you want to convince a baby fast PCOS ,infections, swollen Legs,Diabetes,stomach ucler ,THYROID, COPD, Endometriosis, breast cancer,HIV?AID,ALS, yeast infection, Gonorrhea, Chronic Sinus, HPV low testosterone, Herpes, blocked fallopian tubes Liver parasites ovarian Arthritis, Cysts, pile, ASTHMA, Crowns and all other type of diseases,WEAK ERECTION, STRETCH MARK REMOVER , breast cancer, Parkinson's, male-enhancement Cream, BARENESS/INFERTILITY, HEPATITIS B pile, Get lost period back, stop period pain, Email : WhatsApp him on +2349033505260 thank you for all your work..

Unknown mengatakan...

Do you need a solution for male infertility like: AZOOSPERMIA, LOW SPERM COUNT, WEAK ERECTION, and PREMATURE EJACULATION? Look no further! Dr. Uduehi has the cure/remedy to any type of male infertility. It’s been 4 months since he cured me of azoospermia and my spouse is currently pregnant for me. I was diagnosed of Non‐obstructive azoospermia (NOA), which people believes it’s impossible to be cured or treated. But with Dr Uduehi’s medication, I got cured. I am expecting a baby anytime soon and I was introduced to the doctor by someone whom he treated of low sperm count. So, I deemed it fit to share my experience with the doctor to the general public and to give hope to those who don’t know who to meet for their problems. The doctor’s contact: ( (+2347084878384)

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